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Summer Concert

Once again our annual Summer Concert held on Wednesday 20th June was a fantastic success! Our young people not only performed in the concert, but were involved in all aspects from backstage, sound and light and front of house and we are extremely proud of them all. There were a wide variety of excellent performances from our transition wind band, S2/3 wind band playing some popular summer tunes written and arranged for them by Miss McPherson, choir and saxophone quartet. Our pupil led Glee Club was popular as always thanks to senior pupil Joy Banda's leadership and the audience enjoyed fantastic vocal solos from Poppy, Julia, Duaa, Reece, Caitlin and Emma.

Some of our new S3 pupils have created their own rock group, and they bravely overcame a restart on stage to pull off a fantastic performance. Senior pupil Mahir who taught himself piano in S3 played a stunning solo, Miles performed his Higher rendition of Can Can on xylophone and Shannon in S2 amazed the audience with her extremely professional award winning dance! Fleetwood Machar the staff rock band even took a turn with Mr McDermott loving his turn on the drumkit and Miss Maguire showing off her rock prowess vocals!

The concert ended with all performers joining on stage to perform a medley of popular music from "The Greatest Showman" which went down a treat with the enthusiastic performers and audience. Throughout the concert Miss Barrie led an expert backstage team which ensured a very well organised and slick concert compered by Miss Maguire. Our newest member of staff Mr Harris who will be joining us after summer came along to be part of the fun for the evening . Overall, an extremely successful evening and one very happy "Team Music".

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